A Brief Tutorial On How To Write A Doctoral Thesis Proposal In US History

There are two important things about this that you need to consider. First off this is a doctoral paper, and secondly you are writing about US history. The importance of these considerations is to guide you accordingly so that you are able to write a really good paper. It does not matter whether it is a proposal or your final paper, the guidelines still remain the same.

US history is wide, one of the widest study areas you will ever come across. It is therefore important for you to make sure that you pay attention to the things that matter, the areas that will earn you more marks in the long run.

You cannot possibly expect to write a paper that covers the entire US history. However, you can choose a specific area and focus on it, in an attempt to score as much marks as you possibly can from the task at hand.

The following are brief tutorial ideas that will help you present a strong doctoral thesis in US history:

  • Choose the appropriate timeline

  • Design a really good topic from your research

  • Have a strong background for your work

Choose the appropriate timeline

Considering the fact that US history is wide, it would be important for you to make sure that you select an appropriate timeline within which you will be undertaking your studies. It is important to make sure that you select a timeline that you can address appropriately and within the confines of the work you are doing.

Design a really good topic from your research

Research for this thesis proposal is not just about getting relevant content to help you address the discussion. You will also need to delve deeper into your studies to look for a good topic. In most cases a strong topic is all you will ever need to set the perfect tone for your discussion.

Have a strong background for your work

Having selected the topic and determined the timeline for your work, a good background into the study is important. A proper background study will help you figure out what needs to be done and how.

A good background will also make it easier for your teacher to understand why you chose this particular study area over the others. It helps in setting your discussion into perspective.